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2018 Japanese economy outlook 2


IMF upgraded to 3.9% worldwide growth rate 18 years

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced the other day, the world growth rate for 2018 was up by 0.2% to 3.9%, up from 3.7% announced last October.

In Japan, it is forecasted to be 1.2% which will be upwardly revised 0.5% at a stretch from 0.7%. It seems to be reason to say that the foreign demand of foreign trading partner is strong.  I once again recognized the firmness of the world economy though I thought whether it will change in a few months.

However, we are approaching the turning point of the low interest rate that has been continuing so far, and in particular the interest rate hikes of the Federal Reserve Board of Federations (FB) are likely to be one touchstone.

  2018 2019
Worldwide          3.9% (0.2%) 3.9% (0.2%)
Japan                   1.9% (0.5%) 0.9% (0.1%)
US                         2.7% (0.4%) 2.5% (0.6%)
Euro area            2.2% (0.3%) 2.0% (0.3%)
China                    6.6% (0.1%) 6.4% (0.1%)
India                    7.4% (0.0%) 7.8% (0.0%)

※ Growth rate, parenthesized changes from October last year