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Occupancy rate of the newest office buildings


I examined the occupancy rate of the newest office buildings.

Regarding the buildings in the 23 wards of Tokyo with a total floor area of 10,000 m2 or more, which is completed from April 2016 to April 2019, according to the survey of Nikkei Real Estate, 33 of the completed buildings have an occupancy rate of 94%.  It is said that more than 30% of uncompleted buildings is already fully booked.  The weighted average occupancy rate of all the buildings is 87%.

Among them, Sumitomo Realty Osaki Garden Tower (total office rental floor area of over 120,000 m2) completed in January 2018 marked 95% from 54% of the previous survey (July 2017) in this survey.  Also, Nippon Life Hamamatsucho Crea Tower seems to be 100% from the previous estimated 40%.  It can be said that strong office demand is continuing.

However, how the occupancy rate of existing buildings that are not subject to this survey will change in the future will continue to be an important point in predicting the occupancy rate of newly built office buildings going forward.


(Sumitomo Realty Osaki Garden Tower)


(Nippon Life Hamamatsucho Crea Tower)