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Second-hand condominium market in 2017


  According to Real Estate Information Network for East Japan, the second-hand condominium market in 2017 continued to be reported with a strong deal.

· Number of contracts exceeded the previous year for the third consecutive year, renewing record highs
· Unit price of contracted property increased for 5 consecutive years, for the first time in 23 years 500,000 yen unit
· The price of contracted property also increased for the fifth consecutive year, and the average in the metropolitan area is 31.95 million yen
· The number of new registrations falls below the previous year for the first time in three years, m2 unit price and price both increased for the fourth consecutive year

  The number of condominiums in the Tokyo metropolitan pre-owned condominiums in 2017 was 37,329 (0.4% up from the previous year), which has been higher than the previous year for the third consecutive year, and has been updated to the record high since the previous year. By prefecture / region, the Tokyo area, Tama area, Chiba prefecture exceeds the previous year. The unit price per 1 square meter of contracted property is 50,000,000 yen on average in the Tokyo metropolitan area (up 4.4% from the previous year), rising for the fifth consecutive year, and since 1994 it has become the 500 thousand yen for the first time in 23 years. Even in terms of prefecture / region, it is rising in all prefectures / areas.

  The contracted property price rose by 4.8% to 31.95 million yen, rising for the fifth consecutive year in the same way as the unit price per 1 m², and rising in all prefectures / regions by prefecture / region as well. Looking at contracted properties by price range, the number of contracts and ratios of each price range exceeding 50 million yen have increased.
  The average occupied area of ​​contracted property is 63.91 m2 (0.4% up from the previous year), expanding for the first time in 5 years, the average age is 20. 70 years (20.26 years in previous year), aging progresses.

  While newly built condominiums are rising soaring, it can be said that price rising is also spreading to the second-hand condominium market.  However, on the other hand, we need attention the situation where the rise in average wage is limited is continuing.